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The European International University, EIU-Paris, envisions to become a household name for affordable, yet high quality international tertiary education, worldwide. This is accomplished through our existing and new local partners, who advocate for, and advance our presence in different parts of the world, while preserving local contexts, dynamics and learning needs and styles . We also intend to be the world’s renown force behind promoting the blockchain technology and its role in the provision of enhanced digital learning experiences for our current and future students.

The European International University, EIU-Paris, intends to provide accessible and affordable education delivered through a flexible, competency-based online learning environment to support student development of a lifelong learning mindset, adaptability essential for future successes, and meaningful application of knowledge in industry-focused contexts.

Our overall approach to learning and assessment is INDUSTRY-FOCUSED, and COMPETENCY-BASED, where the attention is given to identifying key skills / knowledge gaps and assisting learners to build their mastery of the much required, specific job-related skills or knowledge.

Our delivery methodology is characterized by technology-driven HANDS-ON WORKSHOP format, engaging EVERY learner through MEANINGFUL LEARNING experiences, connecting academic concepts with real-life elements, in-line with industry requirements. Learners gain mastery over specific competency skill-sets through problem-based approaches utilized in learning and assessment materials found on our EIU – LMS (Learning Management System).

Our team of curriculum writers and assessment creators are INDUSTRY SPECIALISTS, and not typical college/university professors. Their expertise comes from the industry, and they deliver sessions (online or face-to-face) from their professional experience base. Apart from being subject-specific specialists, they are TRAINED TO TRAIN other professionals.

Upon successful completion of all the requirements of our higher education programmes, our learners would receive NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED and INTERNATIONALLY ACCREDITED university qualifications

All our programmes and services are INTERNATIONALLY BENCHMARKED through the audit and quality assurance processes, carried out by both the Ministry of Higher Education, France, as well as our international accreditors, on a regular basis.