where to buy University of the Andes diploma certificate Bachelor’s degree?

where to buy University of the Andes diploma certificate Bachelor’s degree?
how to buy University of the Andes diploma certificate Bachelor’s degree?

where to buy University of the Andes diploma certificate Bachelor’s degree? how to buy University of the Andes diploma certificate Bachelor’s degree? fake University of the Andes diploma certificate 

The university was legally established as a common-utility nonprofit corporation in February 1948. The Colombian government granted it University status in 1964. As of 2022, the Statutes that define the university’s structure were last amended and ratified in 2009.: 1  Uniandes’ organs of government are the Board of Trustees, the Board of Directors, the Rector (president), one or more Vice-Rectors, a Secretary, the Academic Council, the Deans, the Faculty Councils, and support administrative officers.

The Board of Trustees is the supreme organ of the university, tasked with setting its general policies, having the power to amend the Statutes. The board has 30-45 members at all times, 2 of which must be Professors, and 2 of which must be students. 6–10  The Board of Directors is responsible for the management and administration of the university, through reviews and approvals of the PDI (Programa de Desarrollo Integral): a 5-year development program prepared by the office of the Rector.  The latter is the university’s legal representative, and it is responsible for implementing the PDI, setting the budgets, and appointing Departmental, Research Center, and Administrative Unit directors. The Deans are the administrative heads of each faculty, and together with the Rector, Vice-Rectors, and Directors of academic units, they comprise the Academic Council, entrusted with disciplinary and academic matters (such as modifying and terminating academic programs and units). 

There are 14 academic units: 10 faculties, the CIDER (Spanish: Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre Desarrollo), the Alberto Lleras Camargo School of Government, Conecta-te (Spanish: Centro de Innovación en Tecnología y Educación de la Universidad de los Andes), and the dean of students. The academic units are home to 745 non-faculty staff as of 2021. There is a total of 20 Administrative Units, which accrue an additional 853 non-faculty staff. 

According to a financial audit performed by Ernst & Young Colombia in 2020, the value of the university’s assets totaled Col$1.74 trillion by the end of the year,[16] equating to US$426.1 million at the COP/USD exchange rate for 31 December 2020. These amounts comprise cash and cash equivalents, investments, intangible assets, investment properties, among others.

The university is academically composed of nine schools, three special academic entities—the Alberto Lleras Camargo School of Government, the Center for Research and Training in Education (Spanish: Centro de Investigación y Formación en Educación, CIFE), and the Interdisciplinary Center for Development Studies (Spanish: Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre Desarrollo, CIDER)—and a joint academic venture with the medical institution Santa Fe de Bogotá Foundation, offering 31 undergraduate, 18 doctoral, and 38 graduate degree-granting programs in areas of human knowledge such as medicine, engineering, science, law and others.

As of 2011, the university had produced 128 research groups recognized by Colciencias, most of them in the social sciences, mathematics, physics and engineering.By 2017, the number of groups recognized by Colciencias has increased to 153 research groups. It is one of the few Colombian universities to have received the maximum high quality institutional accreditation by the Colombian Ministry of Education, given in January 2015.